fredag 7 september 2018

What are visions?

Are you a visionary? I think I am actually. Looking back in this blog that I started, almost in another lifetime,  I was trying to communicate to my future in pictures. And also in pictures of things. No wonder it died out! When it comes to the future I guess already produced artifacts has too narrow bandwidth. And it was someone else´s baby already released into the world. It is weird looking for the future as a collection of others past. So even thought I love some things, and old houses, and I sometimes do think that pictures communicate well, I do want to expand on the therm visionary so that it encompass enough to keep interesting.

I think visions of future never has been more important than right now. But these visions are to me less like pictures and more maybe ways of being. Like, for example, how would it be if we lived only of what nature provides? That question can lead the imagination into so many directions. Some might think in the way of that we would have to go back to a more primitive way of living. I do not think so, although it always depend on the mindset of every individual who experience it. I think that everything would be more rich. Like a tomato that has ripened in the sun is so rich with taste, compared to the those where liters of fossil fuels has been spent on green houses, fertilizers and transportation that are so tasteless that they are better not eaten at all. There is something contradicting in that cheap/wasteful paradigm that we as humanity live in the western world. It is like everybody is convinced that we cannot afford not to waste.

Another thing that comes up as I discuss visions is their lack of value in today's society. The things already done has more value. The plan also has value. But the direction does not. It is okay to let the lowest impulses of human nature decide what the future will be. We call that inevitable, realism and sometimes even democracy. I also think that one of the problems is the categorical refusal to live here and now in 2018. Everybody is either developing an addiction to something (smart phones, gambling, sugar, alcohol, sex, trauma, drama, victim-hood, you name it) or are nostalgic over the 20th century, a time which they truly understood. I see many people living their life as if all good things has already happened and all the options left are either to go back as in looking for the glory in the old days. In the worst case where everything was homogenized romanticized nationalistic and ethnic way. The political parties are still identifying with their former fights of a long lost causes. And the culture is at its best retro cool. But the intensity of this very time is enormous! I am so grateful to be alive right now! This is the time when it is possible to for the first time really shake of  the shackles of thousands of years of barbaric living! This is the time when it is possible to knowingly let your life be a quest of following your higher awareness. The repetitiveness of the unconsciousness, parental and societal programming and the linearity of rational thought no longer need to have hold over our future. All we need is a little, or a lot, of courage!

So how do I relate to the term vision today in September 2018. It is a sense of something that is still undefined, a space that has opened up as a result of your own inquiry. And as you move, choose and live your life you will sense if you are moving towards or away from that space. A willingness to be absolute surprised about what that space realized in this world needs to be there, as predictability not always walk hand in hand with the new. It is something that is created by your very own wonder, and as long as you still wonder this space will be ever expanding.

tisdag 9 september 2014

A good definition of Prosperity

The Break up

When I started this blog I wanted to use it as a place to collect pictures of things which I wanted to have more of in my life. Since then I discovered Pinterest which actually is much better place for that purpose. I am, as it turns out not extremely talented in bringing in manifestations from visions that I have. I am starting to think that I am placing my visions too far away from where I am. Doing this generates a lot of negative energy, like not being happy with the here and now at all. Feeling frustrated that I am not moving forward towards dreams that I do not have a belief system to support; I have decided to let them go. I did that today!

I realized having lived more than 12 years trying o pursue a dream that I today is nowhere closer that maybe it is like being in a bad relationship. Nothing is working but one cannot leave because what else is out there. Who would I be without my dream? I have been told that I am so lucky to know what to do with my life. But in the end, this dream of mine was closing far more doors than it opened.

Letting something go, whether it is a long held dream or a relationship requires a few steps. At first feeling all the negative feelings of disappointment, frustration and the sensation of being stuck and acknowledging that the thought of my dream does not make me happy anymore, not even the thought of reaching it, means that we are done with each other. I can also acknowledge that having had this dream for the last 12 years I have learned so extremely much. I have moved to another country. I have gotten a PhD. I have had several spiritual realizations. I have become a Kundalini Yoga teacher. There is so much to be grateful for. I can see why my soul wanted me to have this journey. Letting go of the soul contract between me and my dream, I am also feeling a bit sad, and that is OK. A mourning period belongs to all break ups. Finally I forgive myself, for not being what the dream needed inorder to reach its full potential. I also forgive the dream for driving me so far without giving me any hints or help on the way. I love you dream!

I was never able to make this blog into a visual manifestation of my long held dream. Maybe this is because I am not a person that is so material. I think it is time to wake up this old blog and use it instead for an aspect that I have; the visionary. I will share visions that come to me, small obsessions of possibility that I might and might not do anything about. If you are drawn to them, and you are a little better in making things happen than I am, I would love for you do so and tell me about it.

At the moment I get a vision that this blog could be a community. A community of shared ideas and ideas that are put small scale and big scale into practice. Like sawing small positive seeds into this world and together make them grow. This is a empty blog at this moment, so the momentum is definitely lacking. I will not let this scare me. I will fill it with content until people find it. Maybe with your help this blog cold become soul food not just for us but anyone who comes in here.

Hey You! Tell me about yourself!

onsdag 22 januari 2014

I ar vill jag köpa ett hus

Ett hus i trä med fina fönster och uppvuxen tomt. De önskar jag mig. bilder fran

onsdag 18 januari 2012

snygg va? Man kan beställa den från

fredag 6 januari 2012

I år 2012

En symbol för ett projekt som skall bli klart i år

tisdag 3 januari 2012

Jag var i sommmarstugan i dag och letade efter en urklippspärm utan att lyckas. Jag ville lägga upp bilder på den där växthusladan som jag nämnde i text tidigare. Jag hittade inte heller bilderna på internet. Men jag hittade den här bilden som jag tror att jag har också i den där pärmen. Min farmor hade en sommarstuga med ett sådant duvblått plankgolv och liknande stolar. Allt på den här bilden andas farmor tycker jag. Det är så fint.

måndag 2 januari 2012

Tre hörnpelare


vill jag bygga mitt företag på:

Harmoni med Jorden och hennes natur. Med Nikola Tesslas upfinnings process som består i att utveckla perfektion i sinnet innan man materialiserar och låta den del av universum som vet allt få visa vägen. Och med Buckminister Fullers vision:
To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the disadvantage of anyone.

måndag 26 december 2011

Rummet där kreativiteten skall flöda



Hur skapar man ett företag? Man målar in det i sin värld. Några penseldrag på den bild man har i dag som länkar en samman med målvisionen. Man måste veta hur mål visionen skall se ut för att veta när man har träffat rätt. Jag börjar med att börja skissa lite på mitt kontor.

tisdag 20 december 2011

Om jag skall ha en bil

sa skall det vara en som gar pa vätgas med bränslecells driven elmotor. Här är F-Cell B-Klasse fran Mercedes.